The main priority is in finding a color whose symbolism matches current world issues and feelings. For example, 2013’s color, Emerald, was selected to exemplify growth, renewal and prosperity – all things in our collective consciousness as economies began to recover.
This year the symbolism is built around the purple family, known for its magical and innovative properties, Eiseman says. She adds that “wearing [Radiant Orchid] enhances the feeling of being creative – we’re all looking for a touch of uniqueness and wearing it can imbue you with that.”
Eiseman also points out that the color was chosen because the “radiant” aspect lends a “beautiful sheen” while the “orchid” makes it “exotic and intriguing.”
– reference PANTONE 2014
Radiant Orchid can be used to spruce up interior spaces by incorporating this eye-catching hue in paint, accent pieces and accessories. As adaptable as it is beautiful, Radiant Orchid complements olive and deep hunter greens, and offers a gorgeous combination when paired with torquoise , teal and even light yellows.
Likewise, the vibrant color is sure to liven up neutrals including gray, beige, taupe. Uplifting and bold without being overpowering, Radiant Orchid re-energizes almost any color palette and provides a unifying element for diverse spaces.